Seeing Power—What About That?
with: 2/5BZ + collective
Reception/Presentation + Performance
Sat, 06.02.2016 | 20:00 – 21:30 | Cafe Global Stage
part of Stream: Anxious to Act
see here for event-link
The transmediale performance of 2/5BZ was preceded by an open reception by the collective.
New global power complexes demand new multi-sensory ways of seeing power and sensing one’s own position in it: new sets of sensory politics. Following the concept of “altered states”—a geopolitics spectralized by sensory overload and dispossession and by the relocation of power in the post-democratic or post-digital era—the performance GEZILLA DESTROYS ISISTANBUL reconsidered what is (or was) referred to as Europe. It also engaged the Golden Age Global Hologram Doctrine, Isistanbul, and Anxt Hase States, and feature modern isolation tanks as part of the new inventory of “hardcore ultra modernism.” Isistanbul is also the title of a video-essay by Serhat Köksal, included in the upcoming, which is the first issue of a new hybrid “video-book” series by Open Humanities Press.
Soon available as (physical) Video-Book via:
(presentation of “hard release” at Libre Graphics Meeting in London, April 15th-17th)