Opening the doors to visible and connected learning


12th September PEDARE Conference 2013, Falmouth University, UK

Opening the doors to visible and connected learning

In 2011 Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun at Stanford University shook up educational institutions by opening their doors to their ‘Introduction to Artificial Intelligence’ interactive MOOC (Massively Open Online Class). Two years earlier in the back of a converted cinema in the UK , Jonathan Shaw together with his colleagues Jonathan Worth and Matt Johnston seeking to enhance student engagement with photography and connect them with their wider professional networks, had explored a similar idea, allowing the world to peer into their classroom. Picturing the Body better known by its hashtag #picbod, a free and open undergraduate photography class was born. #picbod together with its sister open class #phonar (short for Photography and Narrative) are now referred to as Open Boundary by JISC as a third distinct thread running within the wider weave of what might be commonly termed MOOCs. This workshop will reflect upon and explore the motivations, rational and strategies for development and support of open, online courses specifically within context of arts, media and design education. It is aimed at people who are interested in exploring how the practitioner led educator may have privileged insights into defining new practices for a fast changing higher education landscape.

The PDF handout from the workshop with all the links discussed is available to download here.

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