In June of last year the Radical Open Access Conference ( took place at Coventry University, organised by the Centre for Disruptive Media ( The videos of the various panels are now available underneath and on here:
The conference gathered together a large community of presses, projects and thinkers exploring some of the more intellectually and politically exciting ways of understanding open access that are currently available internationally. Speakers and participants included:
Speakers: An Uncertain Commons Janneke Adema Dominique Babini Armin Beverungen Mercedes Bunz Marcus Burkhardt Joe Deville Kathleen Fitzpatrick Christian Fuchs Rupert Gatti Jonathan Gray Gary Hall David Harvie John Holmwood Sigi Jöttkandt Eileen Joy Chris Kelty Sarah Kember Andreas Kirchner Christopher Land Stuart Lawson Tara McPherson David Ottina Nate Tkacz Marisol Sandoval Stevphen Shukaitis Felix Stalder Joanna Zylinska
Projects and Presses: BABEL Working Group Culture Machine CLACSO Discover Society Ephemera Goldsmiths Press Journal of Peer Production Journal of Radical Librarianship Limn Mattering Press MayFly Books Minor Compositions MediaCommons Press MLA Commons Meson Press Open Book Publishers Open Humanities Press Open Knowledge Foundation Photomediations Machine Punctum Books Scalar Spheres tripleC Vectors
On of the outcomes of this conference has been the establishment of the Radical Open Access Network ( a network of publishers, theorists, scholars, librarians, technology specialists, activists and others, from different fields and backgrounds, both inside and outside of the university. This horizontal collective endeavours to strengthen alliances between the open access movement and other struggles concerned with the right to access, copy, distribute, sell and (re)use artistic, literary, cultural and academic research works and other materials. It draws on a spirit of on-going creative experimentation, and a willingness to subject some of our most established scholarly communication and publishing practices, together with the institutions that sustain them (the library, publishing house etc.), to rigorous critique.
Radical OA Conference – Introduction: Gary Hall and Janneke Adema
Radical OA Conference – Panel 1. A Multitude of Models: Radical Open Access in Practice
Radical OA Conference – Panel 2. Affirmative Disruption: Diamond Open Access, the Academic Gift Economy and the Common
Radical OA Conference – Panel 3. Radical Accountability
Radical OA Conference – Panel 4. ‘Open’: Alternative Genealogies
Radical OA Conference – Panel 5. Chains of Equivalence: From Open Knowledge to Internet Piracy
Radical OA Conference – Panel 6. Radical Open Access: Towards a Critical, Experimental and Processual Posthumanities
Radical OA Conference – Closing Remarks. Is A Radical Open Access Network Possible?